Course curriculum

    1. What to expect from this course

    1. 1/6 Sustainability of our Economies

    2. Test your learnings

    3. 2/6 Role of Financial Institutions

    4. Test your learnings

    5. What is the difference between Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG?

    6. 3/6 ESG and Materiality

    7. Test your learnings

    8. 4/6 Activating Sustainable Finance

    9. Test your learnings

    10. Why should a financial institution prioritize ESG topics?

    11. 5/6 Challenges and the Way Forward

    12. Test your learnings

    13. 6/6 Sustainability in Your Role

    14. Which departments do you see being at the forefront of the ESG movement?

    15. Final Assessment

    1. 1/5 The Rise of Sustainable Investing

    2. How can ESG integration enhance investment due diligence process?

    3. Test your learnings

    4. 2/5 ESG and Fiduciary Duty

    5. Test your learnings

    6. What are some of the most common KPIs that asset managers look at?

    7. 3/5 Five Investment Strategies

    8. Test your learnings

    9. 4/5 Financial Performance

    10. Test your learnings

    11. 5/5 The Future of Investing

    12. Test your learnings

    13. Final Assessment

    14. ESG Cases Activity

    1. 1/5 What is Sustainable Lending?

    2. Test your learnings

    3. 2/5 Why companies should care about ESG?

    4. Test your learnings

    5. 3/5 Resilience

    6. Test your learnings

    7. 4/5 Adapting the conversation to drive a positive change

    8. Test your learnings

    9. 5/5 Financing the transition to a sustainable economy

    10. Test your learnings

    11. Final Assessment

    1. Course Trailer & Copyright Notice

    2. What is Impact Investing

    3. How Impact Investing Fits in Sustainable Investing Universe

    4. Why Impact Investing Matters

    5. Impact Investing Market

    6. Financial Performance

    7. Test your learning

    8. Introduce yourself

    9. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    10. Triple Bottom Line

    11. Blended Finance

    12. Catalytic Capital

    13. Systems Thinking

    14. Theory of Change featuring Anita Nowak, PhD

    15. Impact Risks

    16. Impact Washing

    17. Test your learning

    18. Discussion - Where Would YOU Focus

    19. Universe of Frameworks

    20. IRIS Plus

    21. Impact Management Project (IMP)

    22. Future Fit

    23. Other Standards

    24. Building an Impact Portfolio

    25. Setting Impact Goals

    26. Allocating Assets

    27. Fixed Income

    28. Private Equity

    29. Public Equity

    30. Real Assets

    31. Cash and Equivalents

    32. Applying Tools

    33. Reading - Case Studies Collection

    34. Closing Remarks

    1. Course Trailer & Copyright Notice

    2. About Your Instructor

    3. What is Active Ownership?

    4. Where Does Active Ownership Fit in The Responsible Investing Universe?

    5. Engagement Overview

    6. Engagement Goal & Active Ownership Policy

    7. Engagement Objective

    8. Engagement Metrics

    9. Screening for Engagement Targets

    10. Interview with Anja Seiler [Ethos Foundation]

    11. Quiz - Section 1

    12. Engagement Plan

    13. Defining Engagement Scope

    14. Milestones, and Timelines

    15. Setting Engagements KPIs

    16. Engagement Approach

    17. Communication Method

    18. TCI Fund Management

    19. Internal Communication & Co-ordination

    20. Establishing an Escalation Strategy

    21. Shareholder Proposals

    22. Shareholder Proposals by Country [as of March 2021]

    23. Interview with Jennifer Story [SHARE]

    24. Quiz - Section 2

    25. Engagement Reporting

    26. Quiz - Section 3

    27. Case: Neuberger Berman Engagement Approach

    28. Case: Massy Energy Collective Engagement

    29. Quiz - Section 4

    30. SASB ESG Integration Case Studies

    31. Concluding Remarks

    32. Final Exam

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 107 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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