Built by experts

Each one of our learning segments is based on the leading research, is factual, scripted by subject-matter experts and audited by independent sustainability professionals.

  • Region and industry neutral and can be adapted to specific needs

  • Updated every two years to reflect the latest developments in the field

  • Tested and vetted by thousands of professionals around the world

  • Easily customizable to include your company specific content

  • Great for busy individuals, allowing them to consume knowledge 5 minutes at a time

Trusted by

Broad themes covered

  • What is ESG and Sustainability in context of a business?

  • Which ESG factors are material for investors?

  • ESG and Sustainable investing

  • How is sustainability movement shaping businesses of tomorrow?

  • ESG and financial performance

  • What are Sustainability Accounting standards and how to use them?

  • ESG investment approaches

  • Understanding ESG factors

  • Foundations of impact investing

  • Foundations of shareholder engagement

Upskill your employees

3-step process

  • Selection

    Select a pre-built path or cherry-pick the segments that your employees need.

  • Tailoring

    Have your company specific content integrated into the path for seamless and meaningful employee training.

  • Launch

    Deploy your tailored learning paths on our Learning Management Platform or yours. Track and report impact.

Customizable Paths

Pick the learning steps that your employees need in their role

    1. SJ001-0 Global Goals Introduction

    2. SJ001-1 SDGs

    3. SJ001-2 Paris Agreement

    4. SJ001-3 Kunming-Montreal Accord

    5. SJ002 Climate Change

    6. SJ003 Natural Capital & Biodiversity

    7. SJ006 What is ESG?

    8. SJ007 - Materiality

    9. SJ008 Sustainability Reporting

    10. SJ0010 - GHG Accounting

    11. SJ0011 - GHG Protocol

    12. SJ0012 Net Zero

    13. SJ0013 - Transition Pathways

    14. SJ0014 - SBTi

    15. SJ0015 Climate Disclosure : IFRS-S2

    1. 1.1 Sustainability of our economies

    2. 1.2 Role of the financial institutions

    3. 1.3 ESG and materiality

    4. 1.4 Activating sustainable finance

    5. 1.5 Challenges and the way forward

    1. 2.1 Rise of Sustainable Investing

    2. 2.2 Fiduciary Duty

    3. 2.3 Navigating ESG investing

    4. 2.4 ESG Glossary

    5. 2.5 ESG investing strategies (Part 1)

    6. 2.6 ESG investing strategies (Part 2)

    7. 2.7 Financial performance

    8. 2.8 ESG standards and frameworks

    9. 2.9 ESG data and ratings

    10. 2.10 Key takaways

    1. 3.1 What is sustainability accounting?

    2. 3.2 Shaping of the financial reporting standards

    3. 3.3 Introduction to SASB (currently part of ISSB)

    4. 3.4 Standard setting process

    5. 3.5 State of the market

    6. 3.6 Sustainability industry classification (SICS)

    7. 3.8 Applying SASB in investment process

    8. 3.9 identification and normalization

    9. 3.10 Evaluation and integration

    10. 3.11 Key takaways

    11. Extra - About-FSA-credential

    1. 2.1 What is impact investing?

    2. 2.2 Why does impact investing matter?

    3. 2.3 How impact investing fit in ESG investing universe?

    4. 2.4 Impact investing market (update)

    5. 2.5 Financial performance

    6. 2.6 Sustainable Development Goals

    7. 2.7 Triple bottom line

    8. 2.8 Systems thinking

    9. 2.9 Theory of change - Anita Nowak, PhD

    10. 2.10 Impact risks

    11. 2.11 Impact washing

    12. 2.12 Blended finance

    13. 2.13 Catalytic capital

    14. 2.14 Building an impact portfolio

    15. 2.15 Setting impact goals

    16. 2.16 Allocating assets

    17. 2.16a Public Equity

    18. 2.16b Private Equity

    19. 2.16c Fixed Income

    20. 2.16d Real Assets

    21. 2.16e Cash and equivalents

    22. 2.17 Applying tools

    23. 2.18 Impact Investing frameworks overview

    24. 2.18a Impact Management Project (IMP)

    25. 2.18b IRIS Plus

    26. 2.18c Future Fit

    27. 2.18d Other frameworks (update)

    28. 2.19 Closing remarks

    1. 5.0 Path Trailer

    2. 5.1 Engagement overview

    3. 5.2 Where does active ownership fit

    4. 5.3 Engagement objective

    5. 5.4 Engagement goal & active ownership policy

    6. 5.5 Engagement metrics

    7. 5.6 Screening for engagement targets (update)

    8. 5.7 Engagement-plan

    9. 5.8 Defining engagement scope

    10. 5.9 Milestones and timelines

    11. 5.10 Setting engagement KPIs

    12. 5.11 Engagement approach

    13. 5.12 Communications method

    14. 5.13 TCI fund management case

    15. 5.14 Internal communication and co-ordination

    16. 5.15 Establishing an escalation strategy

    17. 5.16 Shareholder proposals

    18. 5.17 Engagement reporting

    19. 5.18 Case: Neuberger Berman Engagement Approach

    20. 5.19 Case: Massy Energy Collective Engagement

    21. 5.20 Concluding remarks

For corporate training please contact [email protected]

Use cases

Discover how our clients are achieving their ESG training goals

  • Asset Manager

    Following the observation that ESG is increasingly part of the client conversations, this asset manager has leveraged on Sustainable Investing path to rollout mandatory training for its sales and compliance teams. Customization included the latest Sustainability report and a message from the top executive, which were integrated into the final product.

  • Insurance Company

    This large UK based insurance company has built a cross-departmental team of sustainability champions. In order to get everyone up to speed on ESG topics in the insurance industry in the most time efficient manner, ED4S designed a hybrid learning path. A combination of on-demand learning and live training sessions covered CSR, asset management, and underwriting created a common understanding and language to improve their communications and accelerate collaboration on ESG projects.

  • NGO

    This industry association based in Canada has committed to upskill professionals and university graduates on topics of sustainable finance. Ed4S created and integrated region specific content to make learning most pertinent for the audience covered by the program. Program was rolled out in English and French and has been one of the highest impact projects in Sustainable Finance.


  • Does your training integrate with my learning management platform?

    Yes, all the licensed learning paths can be integrated into Workday, Oracle, and most other platforms. Our content is provided in SCORM file or mp4 format.

  • I am not sure which learning path would fit best, can you help?

    Absolutely, our priority is to help you build the most impactful learning experience. Book a consultation to tell us about your target audience and your desired training outcomes. We will propose a custom path that fits perfectly with your goals, budget, and time.

  • Can the learning path be offered on individual basis?

    Our platform allows individuals to sign up for the complete learning journey. In this case the customization feature is not available.

  • Can I test your Learning Journey?

    Yes, create an account and view first 5 segments for free. If you require a full access for internal approval purposes, please contact us: [email protected]

  • How much does it cost?

    The price for content licensing depends on several factors such as company size, number of segments selected, customization needs, and duration. Please contact us for the budget estimate.

  • Is content available in White Label?

    Yes! white label and bespoke training is available.

  • How long is the Sustainability Journey?

    The complete journey is 6 hours long, however the duration can be customized for specific teams and can be as short as 20 minutes. It is all up to you to determine what duration and level of expertise fits best with your teams.

  • What if there are topics that I consider important, however they are not listed in the path?

    We are constantly developing new segments to build up our catalogue. Contact us to see if the missing topic(s) are currently in our pipeline. Anything very specific and niche, can be custom developed for you by ED4S.

Want to learn more?

Let us help you build the right training for your teams.